RareWert - The Fan Site for Traders and Collectors in Habbo Hotel!
! HabboPlace is currently in BETA, if you would like to get involved in the project, contact me on Discord. My Discord name is "gotta." !
Register for free today,
... and become a part of the RareWert community!

Important Notes

1. Please use your real Habbo name; it makes trading much easier.

2. Your PROFILE VISIBILITY must be set to PUBLIC, as the system otherwise cannot compare the motto code. This can be found under:

* Your avatar outfit from Habbo Hotel (DE) will be imported. 4. Please do NOT use the same password as in Habbo Hotel!

5. After registering, you can remove the motto code from your motto again!

6. Your password will be encrypted, but we still recommend using a different one.

Habbo name:
Repeat password:
Motto code:
Add this code to your mission to verify yourself!
By registering, you agree to our terms of use!
* Your avatar outfit from Habbo Hotel (DE) will be imported.
* Please do NOT use the same password as in Habbo Hotel!
* The motto code prevents the name from being stolen by a user from Habbo Hotel [DE]!

4 Habbos registered • 2 Habbos logged in • 11313 Furniture items listed • 4 random Habbos


RareWert is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved by Sulake Suomi or its affiliates.
RareWert may use the trademarks and other intellectual property of Habbo, which is permitted under Habbo Fan Site Policy.